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This Guidebook provides you with a Blueprint to have an Impact on the Recruiter during the Interview Process…helping you to ‘Land the Job.’ 

  • Getting an Interview
  • Developing an Impact Resume
  • The Structure of an Interview
  • ‘Impact Player Concept’ — Appealing to the Recruiter
  • Personal Inventory — Discovering Yourself
  • Questions the Recruiter will ASK YOU
  • Questions YOU should ASK the RECRUITER
  • Follow-up Techniques
  • Final Tips

“The Impact Interviewing book was the most helpful of all resources / training I had specific to the recruiting/ interviewing process.”

Each year at commencement time on college campuses across this nation, hundreds of thousands of graduating seniors find themselves with a solid new base of knowledge, fond memories of a campus life that is rapidly coming to a close, a significant chunk of debt, and NOT THE JOB THEY DESIRE. On the flip side, there exists a smaller contingent of students, seemingly embracing the same background, academic preparation, and talent, who are looking at multiple job offers.
What is wrong here?

Certainly a competitive job market and the swollen ranks of graduating students are factors that contribute in some small way to an undesirable situation. But the real reason why the vast majority of students fail to receive a job offer of their choosing is because they fail to have a positive impact on the recruiters with whom they interview. It’s that simple. Those people who have put it all together and present themselves in a professional manner, win the race. They call their own shots to a certain degree. Their biggest problem is deciding which of the outstanding job offers to accept. This is the position in which you want to find yourself.

Impact Interviewing is designed with this thought in mind. It addresses the critical fundamentals of performing well in front of employers.

In essence, there exist five (5) keys to attaining success in the recruiting process. They are:

  • Researching the Targeted Organization / Employer
  • Resume Development
  • Executive Presence
  • Getting an Interview
  • Effective Interviewing Techniques

This publication is designed to remove the mystery that seems to surround these five keys and to provide in a very succinct manner how you can become an impact player throughout this process.