Bill has been a Human Resources Leader and Human Capital Advisor for 30+ years. For 20 years he was with Deloitte…serving as a Firm Director and Regional HR & Recruiting Leader. He led human resources, recruiting, career development, and partner coaching efforts across Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Pennsylvania, New York, and Washington, D.C. In the 1990s, Bill was the recipient of several firm awards for his leadership efforts related to Fortune magazine’s list of the ‘100 Best Companies to Work for in America.’ In addition, he has served many organizations specific to human capital and leadership development needs. He began his professional life as Career Planning & Placement Director and Assistant Football Coach at Manchester College, in Indiana. Over the years Bill has designed and delivered numerous professional development programs.

He has recruited, mentored, and trained thousands of individuals, and was key in designing and delivering a nationally-recognized partner admissions program for Deloitte. He has facilitated leadership concepts for a variety of businesses and has taught in the MBA program at Xavier University’s Williams College of Business, Indiana University’s Kelley School of Business, the University of Kentucky, Miami University, and currently teaches a ‘Strategic Partner Leadership’ course in the Lindner Honors-PLUS Program at the University of Cincinnati, where he has received ‘Outstanding Teaching’ recognition. Some clients he has served: Deloitte; USI; VonLehman & Company; Barnes Dennig; LEC; Northlich; MRSI; Jewish Federation of Cincinnati; The Matrix Companies; CHNKY; Mubea; Mueller Roofing; Intelligrated; Center for Respite Care; Convergys Analytics Systems. He has authored two books, Impact Interviewing and Why Accounting? As well, he co-authored with his two sons a career-mapping guidebook for students and their parents,Navigating Toward Academic and Career Success, endorsed by Dr. Ben Carson, HUD Secretary; Dr.Tony Alessandra, Author, The Platinum Rule; Brian Tracy, Author, Goals!; and several other national leaders.

Bill holds a Bachelors Degree in History from Indiana University and a Masters Degree in Higher Education from Ball State University, and is a veteran of the U.S. Air Force. He and wife Marla have two sons and ten grandchildren